
I'm Mark Sheeky and I programmed all of the Cornutopia Games. My primary artistic collaborator in design and testing was Andrew Williams, but over the years several people have helped with testing, translation, and feedback.

Game programming was my first love as a child and I began programming in BASIC in 1983. The games on this site represent my Windows PC games. Most of my games were created 2002 to 2006, with my last original game being Gunstorm II.

All use my own game engine, Hector, and a custom 3D format. I designed the 3D texturing software, and developed an advanced workstation for music called Prometheus which I use for my commercial music production.

I work as a music and visual artist now (check out www.marksheeky.com), but I continue to update all of my games regularly, often adding features, or remastering the graphics and audio for modern computers.

Many of the games are available on Steam or itch.io.
Here is our Steam Developer Page.
Here is our itch.io Page.

Email support@cornutopia.net to contact me.

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