Midsummer Frolic by Mark Sheeky

Midsummer Frolic
Congleton Library, Congleton
21 June 2023

Detail from Midsummer Frolic by Mark Sheeky Detail from Midsummer Frolic by Mark Sheeky Detail from Midsummer Frolic by Mark Sheeky Detail from Midsummer Frolic by Mark Sheeky

About this event
A summery selection of pieces for international Make Music Day and the Summer Solstice, with sing-along and play-along pieces as part of the library's regular Good Vibrations event. Local guests and attendees took played and sang along including poets John Lindley and Jane Harland.

This was our last event with Mike Drew as library manager who was set to retire within days. As well as cultural and worldly adventurer, Mike helped us with many of our performance events, going back to our earliest at Holmes Chapel Library. We hope and dream that his creative activities will now blossom.

Main photo by Mike Drew.