The Love Symphony

R21A The Love Symphony
Mark Sheeky

Detail from The Love Symphony Detail from The Love Symphony Detail from The Love Symphony

Track listing
1. There Is No Love, And The More I Search The Less I Find (10:04)
2. Sunset (1:50)
3. The Dream (5:54)
4. Sonata For Self-Pitying Piano (5:21)
5. Encounter With The Believers (0:37)
6. Loneliness And Divine Love (6:35)
7. Stroking The Harp (0:59)
8. Awakening Sonata For Oneristic Harp (1:39)
9. The Eventual Attainment Of Love (9:40)

About this album
The Love Symphony is an album that is symphonic in scale and ambition. The album uses the theme of love to tell an instrumental musical tale, a journey of loneliness into love.

The music here is unified with perhaps the simplest idée fixe possible, three fixed tones, as the listener is taken on a melodic journey. The work is divided into three broad sections, each with three tracks.

In 2015, Mark created an accompanying film for this entire album using stock footage and visual effects to try to create a visual analogue of the music. The Love Symphony: A Fantasy of Darkness and Light, was premiered in London as part of his visual art exhibition The Phenomenology of Love.

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The Love Symphony
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